Enabling Testing in Continuous Integration
The Crosswalk Project Extensions for RealSense implement the Intel RealSense SDK API in JavaScript on top of the Crosswalk application runtime and its extensions framework. The source code repository, realsense-extensions-crosswalk has been using AppVeyor as its continuous integration (CI) and deployment system. This CI, however, misses testing.
For web platform testing, W3C has a fantastic testing framework, testharness.js for writing low-level tests of browser functionality in JavaScript. It provides a convenient API for making assertions and is intended to work for both simple synchronous tests and for tests of asynchronous behavior. Crosswalk test suite has been creating thousands of tests using this framework. Thus it is a good choice to create tests using this testing framework for RealSense JavaScript APIs.
Therefore the problem here is how to enable the W3C testharness.js bassed tests in realsense-extensions-crosswalk CI.
Dumping test results
The testharnessreport.js provides a function to dump test results as below.
function dump_test_results(tests, status) {
var results_element = document.createElement("script");
results_element.type = "text/json";
results_element.id = "__testharness__results__";
var test_results = tests.map(function(x) {
return {name:x.name, status:x.status, message:x.message, stack:x.stack}
var data = {test:window.location.href,
status: status.status,
message: status.message,
stack: status.stack};
results_element.textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
// To avoid a HierarchyRequestError with XML documents, ensure that 'results_element'
// is inserted at a location that results in a valid document.
var parent = document.body
? document.body // <body> is required in XHTML documents
: document.documentElement; // fallback for optional <body> in HTML5, SVG, etc.
Taking battery-promise.html as an example. Right click and open the link, you will get an online test running. Press F12 and click “Elements”, you will get a hidden element as
<script type="text/json" id="__testharness__results__">
"name":"navigator.getBattery() return BatteryManager",
"name":"navigator.getBattery() shall always return the same promise",
The test
has 3 status values to indicate the testharness’s status:
… while tests
contains 4 status values to indicate each test’s status:
Therefore all testing scripts need to properly handle the test results data.